This Supplier is Promoting Recyclable Products for Eating
This Supplier is Promoting Recyclable Products for Eating

Ved is an eternal optimist and nothing seems to bring him down. He faced numerous hurdles during his stewardship but he just kept going. Ved has a keen strategic mind and is always in search for innovative ways for building business. He has been with the organization for over 14 years and has grown the company over four times.

Creating a Safe Experience

Our whole motive is to find solutions which are compostable in nature and that gets into food service sector. We want to serve a product with certain ethos because it creates a different experience altogether. All our products are made up of sugarcane base. We mould them into shape keeping in mind that if any person throws it away then it should not harm the nature and go back to the earth itself. People today are getting much conscious about not only what they eat but how they eat and that is where we come in. We create joy by being friendly with the environment.

Manufacturing Recyclable Products

When customers see a product which is not made up of any harmful stuff instead it looks more natural then the experience enhances automatically. Our way of producing the product is peculiar as a matter of fact. There is no aroma migration, one can use the same product for microwaving, baking cakes and even freezing. We do a lot of R&D around the product in order to provide the right experience for the person eating food.

Eating Safe

Lots of food in India is served on Styrofoam and plastic. We don’t realize that these products have carcinogens’ which are basically cancer causing chemicals as people eating in those are inheriting chemicals in themselves. The other side is the cleanliness issue whereas our product is completely untouched by hand even throughout the production cycle and on the top of everything, it is made up of natural ingredients. That’s how we use the idea of eating safe.

Innovation is the Key

Our whole psyche comes from the idea that we have to keep producing more and more healthy products. Also, our product is an innovation in itself as it is completely out of the box. We actually studied eating trends across the country and designed our products accordingly. We did a good homework on what a consumer really wants and made the products modular. We have our own 3D printers where we can form out whatever customer wants from us. We are friendly for the people who are actually looking for the solutions. 

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